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The Disappearance Of Kristal Reisinger, The Colorado Mother Who Went Missing From A Drum Circle

The Disappearance Of Kristal Reisinger, The Colorado Mother Who Went Missing From A Drum Circle

In 2015, a young woman named Kristal Reisinger embarked on a journey to find enlightenment in the New Age religious community of Crestone, Colorado. Little did she know that her search for spiritual awakening would lead to her mysterious disappearance just one year later.

At the age of 29, Kristal Reisinger left behind her ex-boyfriend and their four-year-old daughter in Denver to pursue a life of peace and consciousness in the Crestone hills. She was described as a clairvoyant and an advocate for Native American traditions. Her motto was “do no harm,” a principle she lived by.

However, Kristal’s story took a tragic turn when she vanished without a trace. To this day, her ex-boyfriend, Elijah Guana, struggles to explain her sudden disappearance to their daughter, who still asks for her mother and longs to hear her voice.

The Turbulent Childhood of Kristal Reisinger

Kristal Reisinger’s life had been filled with hardships from an early age. Born in Phoenix, Arizona, on November 18, 1987, she had a strained relationship with her family and became a ward of the state at just 15 years old.

Despite these challenges, Kristal managed to attend college and even taught a course at Western Colorado University. It was during her time there that she met Elijah Guana, the man who would become her boyfriend and the father of her child. They moved to Denver together, where they welcomed their daughter Kasha in 2013. Although their romantic relationship eventually ended, they remained dedicated co-parents.

However, Kristal found the city of Denver to be toxic, prompting her to leave Kasha in Elijah’s care and seek religious enlightenment in Crestone, a town known as the capital of New Age Religion. With its small population and reputation as a sanctuary for like-minded individuals, Crestone seemed like the perfect place for Kristal to explore her spiritual beliefs.

In Crestone, Kristal embraced her new community and even joined a local band called Stimulus. She rented an apartment in town and regularly kept in touch with Elijah and their daughter. However, their last conversation took a dark turn when Kristal revealed that someone had drugged and raped her.

Two weeks later, on July 14, 2016, Kristal Reisinger was reported missing. This marked the beginning of an extensive search that continues to this day.

The Strange Circumstances Surrounding Kristal Reisinger’s Eerie Disappearance

One of the people who had a significant encounter with Kristal before her disappearance was her landlord, Ara McDonald. In early July, Ara noticed that Kristal appeared distressed when she came to collect the month’s rent. Kristal revealed that she had been to a party where she believed she had been drugged and raped. Disturbed by the revelation, Ara encouraged Kristal to report the incident to the police. However, a few days later, Kristal vanished.

When Ara realized that she hadn’t seen Kristal for some time, she entered her apartment and discovered her cellphone, which contained a series of voicemails. The phone gave the impression that Kristal was on her way somewhere and needed to go urgently.

Saguache County Sheriff Dan Warwick initially dismissed Kristal’s disappearance as her voluntarily leaving town, as she had previously gone off the grid for two weeks without contacting anyone. However, when Kristal’s close friend Rodney Ervin and her ex-boyfriend Elijah Guana arrived in Crestone to search for her, the authorities started to suspect foul play.

Inside Kristal’s apartment, they found her belongings, including clothing, a computer, and medication. It became clear that something was amiss. Sheriff Warwick acknowledged the suspicious circumstances and expressed concern, stating, “She would have to have gone out with absolutely nothing — not even her phone, not even her shoes. It really just doesn’t make any sense.”

The Extensive Search for the Missing Mother

The search for Kristal Reisinger began with a potential sighting from locals who claimed to have seen her on the outskirts of town after a full moon drum circle on July 18. However, this sighting could not be confirmed.

Nathan Peloquin, Kristal’s boyfriend at the time, reported seeing her at a party on July 21, one week after her last confirmed contact with her loved ones. The host of the party, “Catfish” John Keenan, verified that Kristal was present and stated that they had consumed wine and marijuana together. The timing of this encounter puzzled investigators, adding to the mystery.

Peloquin shared with the police that Kristal had confided in him about being drugged and raped at Keenan’s house on June 28. He took care of Kristal for two weeks, as she was extremely frightened. However, she vanished soon after.

Elijah Guana believes that the individuals involved in the alleged rape have strong connections to a drug market between Crestone and Denver. He believes that Kristal wanted to hold these individuals accountable for their actions, and her disappearance was a result of her determination.

Podcast host Payne Lindsey, who delved into Kristal’s case, shares Guana’s theory. Lindsey believes that Kristal planned to report the rape to the police or confront the men involved, leading to her murder and eventual disappearance.

One of the potential suspects, “Dready” Brian Otten, confessed to killing Kristal Reisinger in a Facebook message, according to Catfish John Keenan. However, Keenan refused to share the message with Payne Lindsey. Tragically, Otten passed away from a heroin overdose in 2020, leaving behind unanswered questions and only rumors surrounding his involvement in Kristal’s case.

To this day, no definitive answers have been found about what happened to Kristal Reisinger. The case remains open, and a $20,000 reward is offered for any information leading to its resolution.

Kristal’s disappearance serves as a haunting reminder of the mysteries that can arise within seemingly idyllic communities. The search for truth continues, and the memory of Kristal Reisinger lives on.

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